A message from the Vice Chancellor Professor Edmund Burke in response to the on-going conflict in Israel and Gaza
Our University community continues to be deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic loss of life in the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Palestine and Israel. We add our voice to those of our colleagues and students in the hope that a peaceful and sustainable resolution can be reached as soon as possible.
In May, a group of people established a pro-Palestinian encampment outside our Pontio building on campus in protest about the conflict. This follows a number of similar protests across the UK, the US and the world.
We have always tried to engage in constructive dialogue with our students. Members of the University’s Executive team have met with the protestors on a number of occasions to understand and respond to their demands and to answer their questions. We are working closely with the Students’ Union who regularly visit the camp. Our Chief Finance Officer, Martyn Riddleston and our Chief Operating Officer, Michael Flanagan were pleased to meet with Sabbatical Officers two weeks ago to continue these co